How to import ArcMap Packages (.mpk), Layer Files (.lyr), and Map Documents (.mxd) in ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro is the new-generation desktop GIS application from ESRI, designed to work seamlessly with ArcGIS Platform. One of its key features is the ability to import existing ArcMap files, including Map Packages (.mpk), Layer Files (.lyr), and Map Documents (.mxd). This article explains how to import these file types into ArcGIS Pro using different methods.

Software requirement(s):

  • ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2

You can download the dataset here:

I - Importing Map Packages (.mpk) files into ArcGIS Pro

Method 1: Using the Import Map Command

1 - Open ArcGIS Pro.

2 - Create a New Project or Open an existing project.

Start a new project by selecting New Project and choose a template or open an existing project from the list of recent projects.

You may not have a list of recent projects if you are new to ArcGIS Pro.

3 - Name the project Costal_Indigenous_Communities and save it in a meaningful location.

By default, ArcGIS Pro will save it in your C: Drive or your OneDrive in Documents\ArcGIS\Projects

I chose the Map template.

4 - Import the .mpk file

  • Go to the Insert tab on the ribbon.
  • Click on the Import Map button.

  • Browse to the location of your .mpk file, select CoastalIC.mpk, and click OK.

  • The .mpk file will unpack and import the map and associated data into your project.

Method 2: Using the Catalog Pane

1 - Open ArcGIS Pro

2 - Create a New Project or Open an existing project

Start a new project by selecting New Project and choose a template or open an existing project from the list of recent projects.

3 - Name the project Costal_Indigenous_Communities and save it in a meaningful location.

4 - Access the Catalog pane

If the Catalog pane is not already open, go to the View tab and click Catalog pane in the Windows group.

3 - Navigate to your .mpk file

  • In the Catalog pane, make a folder connection and browse to the location of your .mpk file.

Creating a folder connection in the ArcGIS Pro Catalog is similar to the process used in ArcMap.

In your Catalog, right-click on Folders and click Add Folder Connection.

Browse to the location of your .mpk file.

Mine is located in my Documents and in a folder named ArcMap_ArcGISPro.

  • Right-click on the CoastalIC.mpk file and select Add and Open.

  • The .mpk file will unpack and the map associated data will be added to your project.

II - Importing Layer Files (.lyr) into ArcGIS Pro

Method 1: Using the Add Data command

1 - Open ArcGIS Pro and your project.

Open ArcGIS Pro and either create a new project or open an existing one.

2 - Add the .lyr file:

  • Go to the Map tab on the ribbon and Click the Add Data button.

  • Browse to the location of your .lyr file, select it, and click OK.

Method 2: Using the Catalog pane

1 - Open ArcGIS Pro and your project

Open ArcGIS Pro and either create a new project or open an existing one.

2 - Open the Catalog pane.

If the Catalog pane is not already open, go to the View tab and click Catalog pane in the Windows group.

3 - In the Catalog pane, navigate to the location of your .lyr file.

4 - Right-click the .lyr file and select Add to Current Map or drag it directly onto the map.

5 - The .lyr file will be added to your project.

III - Importing Map Documents (.mxd) into ArcGIS Pro

Method 1: Using the Import Map command

1 - Open ArcGIS Pro

2 - Create a New project or Open an existing project

Star a new project by selecting New Project and choose a template or open an existing project from the list.

3 - Import the .mxd file

  • Go to Insert tab on the ribbon and Click on the Import Map button.

  • Browse to the location of your .mxd file, select it, and click OK.

Method 2: Using the Catalog pane

1 - Open ArcGIS Pro and your project

Open ArcGIS Pro and either create a new project or open an existing one.

2 - Open the Catalog pane.

If the Catalog pane is not already open, go to the View tab and click Catalog pane in the Windows group.

3 - In the Catalog pane, navigate to the location of your .mxd file.

4 - Right-click the .mxd file and select Import and Open.

5 - The .mxd file will be added to your project.

Additional Tips:

  • Converting Files: ArcGIS Pro may convert certain file types (e.g. .lyr to .lyrx) upon import.
  • Compatibility Check: some features and symbology might not be fully compatible between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. Review imported maps and layers to ensure they appear and function as expected.
  • Saving Imported Maps: save your maps in ArcGIS Pro as a project (.aprx) to preserve changes and configurations.
  • After import, no link is maintained between the ArcGIS Pro map and the original ArcMap map document, layer or package. Subsequent changes you make to the map in ArcGIS Pro are not reflected in the original map document, layer or package.
  • ArcMap cannot import ArcGIS Pro projects. ArcMap cannot open other items in ArcGIS Pro file formats, such as map packages (.mpkx), map files (.mapx), or layer files (.lyr).

We hope that this article has been helpful! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to send us an email or connect with us for a chat. The NTGISC team is here to assist you further!

Resource (s):

ArcMap Continued Support:

ArcGIS Pro Migration Guide:

ArcGIS Pro Terminology Guide:

ArcMap Frequently Asked Questions:

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