Migrating to ArcGIS Pro: Editing Features

Editing features in ArcGIS Pro presents a more advanced and streamlined experience compared to ArcMap. In ArcGIS Pro, the contextual editing ribbon and the Modify Feature pane offer a more intuitive and centralized set of tools, allowing users to access all necessary functions without switching between multiple toolbars. The dynamic snapping environment, bulk field management, and the undo/redo capabilities significantly enhance the editing workflow. Additionally, ArcGIS Pro supports simultaneous editing of multiple layers within a single session, unlike ArcMap, which requires starting and stopping individual sessions for different layers. These improvements, along with a more integrated attribute editing system and enhanced feature template management, make ArcGIS Pro a more powerful and user-friendly platform for feature editing tasks.

Software requirement(s):

  • ArcGIS Pro 3.2.2

1. User Interface and Workflow


Editing tools in ArcMap are accessed through the Editor toolbar (right-click, Edit Features, Start Editing). Users must start an editing session, choose the target layer, and then use specific tools from the toolbar. Users must also save their edits and stop editing before closing the editor.

ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro, editing is always enabled. Editing tools are on the Edit tab of the ribbon when a map view is active. This ribbon provides access to all editing tools and options, making it easier to find and use the tools you need without switching toolbars.


1 Undo or redo edits on the Quick Access Toolbar
2 Save or discard edits.
3 Enable map topology.
4 Set editing options.
5 Enable snapping
6 Create, modify or delete features.
7 Select features for editing.
8 Inspect and edit feature attributes.
9 Edit tools (move, annotations, edit vertices, reshape, merge, and split)
10 Mode elevation. Used to set the elevation source for new features.
11 Ground to Grid Corrections tool to adjust Coordinate Geometry (COGO).
12 Data Reviewer. Detects errors and improves spatial data quality.

2. Editing Environment


The editing environment in ArcMap requires users to start and stop editing sessions manually. This process is layer-specific, meaning you can only edit one layer at a time unless using complex workflows.

ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro allows for simultaneous editing of multiple layers within the same session. You can seamlessly switch between layers and use the same set of tools across different feature classes without starting or stopping individual sessions.

3. Feature Templates


Feature templates in ArcMap are used to define the default attributes and construction tools for creating new features. These templates are somewhat hidden and can be cumbersome to manage.

ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro, feature templates are more prominently integrated into the editing workflow. They are displayed in the Create Features pane, making it easier to access and manage them while editing.

4. Snapping


Snapping options in ArcMap are controlled through the Snapping toolbar, which allows you to snap to points, edges, vertices, and other geometric elements. Snapping settings can be less intuitive to adjust.

ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro provides a more dynamic snapping environment with the ability to customize snapping preferences directly in the editing pane. Snapping is more responsive and easier to control, allowing for precise feature placement and manipulation.

5. Editing Tools (see also 1 & 2)


ArcMap provides a comprehensive set of editing tools, but they are scattered across various toolbars and menus, which can make it challenging to find the right tool quickly.

ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro consolidates editing tools into the ribbon and the Modify Features pane. Tools like Move, Rotate, Reshape, and Split are easily accessible, and the pane provides visual feedback and options as you work, streamlining the editing process.


1 Undo or redo edits on the Quick Access Toolbar
2 Save or discard edits.
3 Enable map topology.
4 Set editing options.
5 Enable snapping
6 Create, modify or delete features.
7 Select features for editing.
8 Inspect and edit feature attributes.
9 Edit tools (move, annotations, edit vertices, reshape, merge, and split)
10 Mode elevation. Used to set the elevation source for new features.
11 Ground to Grid Corrections tool to adjust Coordinate Geometry (COGO).
12 Data Reviewer. Detects errors and improves spatial data quality.

6. Attribute Editing


Attribute editing in ArcMap is done through the Attribute Table window or the Attribute dialog box, where you can manually enter and update attribute values for selected features.

ArcGIS Pro

In ArcGIS Pro, attribute editing is more integrated, with the Attributes pane allowing for easier updating of multiple attributes at once. The attribute table view also provides more advanced functionality for sorting, filtering, and bulk editing.

7. Undo and Redo


Undoing and redoing edits in ArcMap is somewhat limited and can sometimes be unreliable, especially in complex editing sessions.

ArcGIS Pro

ArcGIS Pro offers robust undo and redo capabilities, allowing you to step back and forth through your edits with greater reliability and confidence.

By understanding these differences, users can better appreciate the enhanced editing environment in ArcGIS Pro, which offers a more intuitive, efficient, and powerful set of tools for managing and manipulating feature layers compared to ArcMap.

We hope that this article has been helpful! If you have any feedback or questions, please feel free to send us an email or connect with us for a chat. The NTGISC team is here to assist you further!

Resource (s):

ArcGIS Pro Migration Guide: https://www.esri.com/content/dam/esrisites/en-us/media/pdf/implementation-guides/arcgis-pro-migration-guide.pdf

ArcGIS Pro Terminology Guide: https://www.esri.com/content/dam/esrisites/sitecore-archive/Files/Pdfs/library/brochures/pdfs/arcgis-pro-terminology-guide.pdf

ArcMap Continued Support: https://support.esri.com/en-us/knowledge-base/arcmap-continued-support-000029721

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